(collaboration as cinematographer)
Alexander Langer, co-founder of the Italian Green Party and party
leader in the European Parliament,
wanted to engage with communities of
any possible form.
He worked restlessly for underprivileged people and
for those speaking minority languages, for those belonging to
different religions.
Because of his determined commitment Alexander
Langer earned everybody's respect,
even beyond the boundaries of the
parliamentary party and was considered one of the masterminds in
European politics.
"If you have visions, you should consult a doctor", the German
ex-Chancellor Helmut Schmidt once said.
Alexander Langer did not follow
this advice. In the summer of 1995 he hanged himself in the hills near
UNO DI NOI reflects upon the vision Alexander Langer had of Europe.
starting point are some of the speeches he gave to the European
Parliament between 1989 and 1995.
From there, the film gathers opinions
and contributions from individuals who share Alexander Langer’s ideals
and values,
and who took on, with different means and in different
forms, the fight for a fairer and better world.
From their words and experiences, it emerges how difficult this fight
is and what huge means of repression their resistance faces.
Our film
reveals how, in light of the drastic changes our planet has undergone,
we are more then ever in need in need of figures like Alexander Langer,
who are courageous enough to stand up for ethical values in an
ever-changing, globalising world...
Interview Partners: Lena Zühlke, Salvatore Cavallero, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Franz Josef Radermacher, Adriano Sofri, Fulvio Vassallo, Jean Ziegler
Director and Producer: Dietmar Höss
Assistant Directors: Emma Lantschner, Johanna Grolig
Cinematographer: Daniel Mahlknecht
Editor: Martine De Biasi,
Production Company: Blue Star Film
Supported by
-The Greens in the European Parliament
Autonome Provinz Bozen-Südtirol
- Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse
- Alexander Langer Stiftung
- Aquino Film
Festival Screenings