Da Palmer Film is a small production company, located in South Tyrol in the north of Italy.
It was founded in 2001 as Blue Star Film and changed its name to Da Palmer Film in 2005, as Blue Star Film became an independent company in Munich, Germany. Both companies are in close cooperation.
Da Palmer Film produces mainly documentaries, short and feature
length fiction films, or collaborates with other production companies
mainly in the camera department.
As for production equipment, an editing suite (Final Cut Pro Studio,
Deck Link Extreme), DV cameras (JVC GY-DV 700 WEcl, Canon XL1) and
super16mm cameras (AATON Ltr 7, BOLEX SBM, BOLEX H16reflex with
underwater housing) are available.
Productions in super8/single8 mm (FUJICA zc1000, Beaulieu ZM4, Bauer A512) and telecine services are also offered.
Soundtrack - Killer Aloe from Outer Space
The soundtrack “Rumpelfilter“ composed for “KILLER ALOE FROM OUTER SPACE - die Racher der Heilpflanzen“ a short SF film shot on 8mm and 16mm is finally available.
Download it at: “RESOFAME recordings“