Mahlknecht (* 1975)
graduating from high school he visits the filmschool “Zelig” and
graduates in 1998.
The same
year he starts military service, where he becomes cameraman and
editor in the press office of the Italian Alpini troups.
military service he realizes some documentaries and shorts and in
2000 he opens with a friend the production company “Blue Star Film“ that in 2005 becomes “da Palmer Film“.
participates in 2005 at the Berlinale Talentcampus in the cinematographer class.
In 2012 he joins the “die Filmwerkstatt“ in Meran, a group of several independent production companies and filmmakers, that joined forces and now togheter run a bigger structure with editing rooms, rental and other services.
Currently he works as an independent producer and cinematographer.
Peter Martell (1997 directed by Fabrizio Favro) (Beta) cameraoperator
(1998 directed by Silvana Zancolò) (35 mm) assistant cameraoperator; SFX
/ short)
-Die (1999 directed by Swan) (DV) cameraoperator
/ long) starring Ottfried Fischer
Gatti (2000 directed by Dietmar Höss) (mini DV) cameraoperator; editor
(2000) (super 8) screenplay; director; cameraoperator; Editor
/ short)
Dietl (Politiker in
Opposition)(2002) (DV) director;
cameraoperator; editor
(2003 directed by Dietmar Höss) (DV) cameraoperator; assistant editor
-AQUANITIS (2006 directed by Peter Mahlknecht) producer, cinematographer
-Nairobi Love Story (2009 directed by Maria Weber) producer
-Genius Loci (2010 directed by Duccio Canestrini) producer, cinematographer
-From the Deep (2013 directed by Valentina Pedicini) associate producer
-Mein Europa – Ein Dorf (2015 directed by Kurt Langbein) cinematographer