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su da Palmer Film

Da Palmer Film è una piccola casa di produzione situata in Alto Adige nel nord d'Italia.

È stata fondata nel 2001 col nome Blue Star Film e ha cambiato nome in da Palmer Film nel 2005, visto che Blue Star Film è diventata una casa di produzione autonoma locata a Monaco in Germania.
Tuttora le due case di produzione collaborano strettamente.

Da Palmer Film produce principalmente documentari, cortometraggi e lungometraggi di fiction, o collabora con altre produzioni sopratutto nel dipartimento di camera.


Come atrezzature ci sono una sala montaggio (Final Cut Pro Studio, Deck Link Extreme), telecamere DV (JVC GY-DV 700 WEcl, Canon XL1) e cineprese super16 (AATON Ltr 7, BOLEX SBM, BOLEX H16reflex con scafandro).

Ofre anche produzioni in super8/single8 mm (FUJICA zc1000, Beaulieu ZM4, Bauer A512) e servizi di telecinema sia in 8mm che in super8/single8.

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South Tyrol, benificiary of financial aid until the late eighties, has long outdistanced its formerly rich neighbours.
The economy is flourishing, unemployment is low, the prosperity ubiquitous. In only a few years the northernmost region of Italy
has become one of the richest in Europe.What sounds like a fairy tale in reality comes at a price.
South Tyrol has become a land of speculation, where the highest offer gets the bid.
Nature is marketed recklessly, the Alps are overrun by tourism.
Tradition and ancient customs degenerate into mere entertainment, turning the land into an alpine Disneyland.
H€IMAT is a film which has its starting point in South Tyrol, but South Tyrol is only exemplary for many regions.
What is happening here is happening in similar ways all over Europe.
The region is ruled by power and money, and politicians often find themselves unable to counter this trend.

Director: Dietmar Höss
Silvia Laubscher / Daniel Mahlknecht
Daniel Mahlknecht / Hannes Pasqualini
Rumpelfilter vs. der Lustige Sepp
Format: professional DV 4:3

51. Filmfestival Interntionale Montagna di Trento 2003
special mention
15th International Mountain + Adventure Filmfestival Graz 2003
Price of the jury
21. Internationale Umwelt Film Festival ÖKOMEDIA Freiburg 2004
Golden Lynx - 1st price for the best artistic achievement
Festival Screenings
17. Internationale Bozner Filmtage 2003
51st Mountain Film Festival Trento 2003
15th International Mountain + Adventure Filmfestival Graz 2003
4th Ecocinema international Filmfestival Greece 2004
21. Internationale Umwelt Film Festival ÖKOMEDIA Freiburg 2004
TV releases
RAI Sender Bozen 
DVD releases
DVD (with Italian, German, English, and French subtitles) can be requested at:
< Prec.   Pros. >